Answered By: Sarah Vaughn
Last Updated: Mar 25, 2021     Views: 465

Login to My Account in the library catalog to:

  • view and renew checked out items
  • view or cancel outstanding holds
  • view outstanding Prospector requests
  • view previously checked out items

Renewals: If you renew items, please make a note for your records of the new due date for each item. You will not be able to renew items that are more than 28 days overdue, and you will not be able to renew materials if your library account is blocked for any reason.  Additionally, some items may not be renewable.

Holds: A held item that is available for pickup will show a status of "Ready" and will display how long you have to pick up the item. A held item that shows a due date in the status column is still checked out to someone else. 

Prospector Requests: A Prospector item that is available for pickup will show a status of "Ready" and will display how long you have to pick up the item.  A Prospector request with a status of "Prosp Req" has been requested but hasn't yet left the owning library.  A Prospector request with a status of "In Transit" is on the way from the owning library to UNC.

Checkout History: If you choose, you can turn on a feature that will keep a list of local UNC items you have checked out in the past.  You can opt in to this service by clicking on the "Reading History" option in the menu on the left side, then selecting the "Opt In" or "Save Reading History" button.


To access your account, click "Renew/Check holds" in the search area at the top of the library homepage, or click and enter your UNC or Library Identification.

For further information, please contact Access Services at (970) 351-2671.