Answered By: Jay Trask
Last Updated: Mar 24, 2025     Views: 6467

UNC Students

Most books and media items can be renewed twice unless another user has requested a particular item. Exceptions are books and other materials from other libraries (see below).

UNC Faculty, and Staff

No limit to the number of times that you can renew a book as long no one else requests it. DVDs, CDs, and other media items can be renewed twice. Prospector and Interlibrary Loan items may have other exceptions (see below).

Community Borrowers
May renew a book or media item twice as long as no one else requests it.

Prospector & Interlibrary Loan Materials

Most Prospector loans are for 3 weeks and allow one 3-week renewal. Some items may only circulate for 1 week with no renewal. Interlibrary Loan due dates and renewal limits are determined by the lender; please check with library staff if you have questions about a specific item.

For more information, see